Getting my UK foundation license accepted as a German Class N equivalent

I bounce between the UK and Germany a fair bit, and despite spending the majority of my time in Germany, I decided that I should get my radio license in the UK. The main reason for that was because I don’t think that my German is good enough to attempt to do an exam in… Continue reading Getting my UK foundation license accepted as a German Class N equivalent

First time guying the SOTA beams tactical mini

Previously, we had been leaning the SOTA beams tactical mini against nearby trees, but today we decided we would practice pegging it out properly, with the multi-functional guying kit. This means that we can be more confident, and prepared for the next (potentially tree-less) summit! The SOTA beams Multi-function Guying Kit ( comes with pegs,… Continue reading First time guying the SOTA beams tactical mini

First SOTA attempt 2024-09-08: Mount Wank

Yes… there really is a mountain called Wank. It is located near Garmish-Partenkirchen in Bavaria, DL/EW-001. You can find it on SOTA data here: It was the morning of! After an excited alert on SOTAwatch, that we attended to summit Wank at 11:30 (giving us ample time to faff with equipment once we had… Continue reading First SOTA attempt 2024-09-08: Mount Wank